Archivio News

Riconoscimenti Slow Wine 2019

Riconoscimenti Slow Wine 2019

11 Dezember 2018

"Grande" riconscimento per il nostro Capo Martino 2016 con il premio "Grande Vino" porta a casa un eccezionale posizione. Vino di ...

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19 November 2018

“Best Product Placement” for Jermann at the 50th Key Award of 2018! On stage to receive the award during the Gala held ...

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18 November 2018

Chapeau!! il coronato Capo Martino, che prende il nome da una collina del Collio, è un elegante uvaggio a base Friulano, imprezionsito ...

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Guida essenziale ai vini d’Italia 2019: doppio successo con il Vintage Tunina 2016 e W..Dreams 2016

Guida essenziale ai vini d’Italia 2019: doppio successo con il Vintage Tunina 2016 e W..Dreams 2016

5 November 2018

Doppietta speciale in casa Jermann: si classificano il Vintage Tunina 2016, una delle migliori posizioni con il premio Faccino ...

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''Capo Martino 2016'' Miglior vino bianco d''Italia

''Capo Martino 2016'' Miglior vino bianco d''Italia

30 Oktober 2018

Grande festa per il "premiato" in casa Jermann. Gambero rosso 2019, decreta il “Capo Martino 2016” miglior vino bianco ...

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30 Oktober 2018


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Brda Rebula Masterclass: i migliori assaggi

Brda Rebula Masterclass: i migliori assaggi

16 Oktober 2018

A pochi giorni dalla MasterClass guidata da Luca Gardini al Vila Vipolze, abbiamo il piacere di condividere con voi il lusinghiero ...

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Rebula/Ribolla Masterclass: the VISVIK preview!

Rebula/Ribolla Masterclass: the VISVIK preview!

28 August 2018

Nowadays there are several events focused on Ribolla Gialla / Rebula: from local festivities to cross-border projects up to glamorous ...

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Degustazione di Vintage Tunina al congresso Assoenologi

Degustazione di Vintage Tunina al congresso Assoenologi

13 Juli 2018

Jermann Estates and Wineries took part in the 73rd national Assoenologi congress held on the 7th of July in the stunning Maritime ...

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''A Night At The Winery'': Notte Di Note, Da Jermann.

''A Night At The Winery'': Notte Di Note, Da Jermann.

5 Juni 2018

One evening of June 2017, a multifaceted pianist and a wandering saxophone player meet. They meet in one of the most welcoming wineries ...

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Two lives amid the vines

Two lives amid the vines

20 April 2018

The life story of the Jermann winemakers is an example of a uniquely creative, vibrant and enthusiastic attitude towards wine growing ...

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''Io sono Tempesta''  Pinot Grigio Jermann: a great wine on the big screen.

''Io sono Tempesta'' Pinot Grigio Jermann: a great wine on the big screen.

12 April 2018

12 April 2018 Pinot Grigio Jermann makes its debut in Italian cinema, featuring alongside Marco Giallini, in the Italian film “Io ...

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Vintage Tunina: Story of a vertical tasting of a wine that is making history

Vintage Tunina: Story of a vertical tasting of a wine that is making history

27 Februar  2018

 The fist harvest of the grapes that give Vintage Tunina dates back to 1975, one year before I was born, even though some initial ...

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Jermann is awarded 5 Bibenda Bunches 2018

Jermann is awarded 5 Bibenda Bunches 2018

11 Januar 2018

We are happy to announce that Vintage Tunina 2015 was awarded 5 Bunches, the highest achievement by Bibenda 2018. The awards ceremony ...

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The Italian Sommelier Association awards our ... Capo Martino Jermann 2015

The Italian Sommelier Association awards our ... Capo Martino Jermann 2015

11 Januar 2018

Awarded top wine by the Guida ai Vini d’Italia VITAE published by the Associazione Italiana Sommelier (AIS).
Capo Martino ...

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Top 100 Italian wines by Wine Spectator with our W...Dreams 2013

Top 100 Italian wines by Wine Spectator with our W...Dreams 2013

11 Januar 2018

 Once again Jermann ranks among the top 100 Italian wines, according to the prestigious American wine magazine which is an ...

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