''Io sono Tempesta'' Pinot Grigio Jermann: a great wine on the big screen.

12 April 2018

''Io sono Tempesta''  Pinot Grigio Jermann: a great wine on the big screen.

''Io sono Tempesta'' Pinot Grigio Jermann: a great wine on the big screen.

12 April 2018 Pinot Grigio Jermann makes its debut in Italian cinema, featuring alongside Marco Giallini, in the Italian film “Io sono tempesta” (I am tempest) by Daniele Lucchetti: a comedy on the salvific value of failure as the parabola of change. It is failure that generates the spiritual rebirth of financial tycoon Numa Tempesta, played by Marco Giallini, who from his “collapse” is transformed and sees things very differently. Today we raise our glasses of Pinot Grigio Jermann and toast to the success of this brilliant film full of humanity and to all the visionaries: film directors, actors, you and us, who believe that dreams come true only if you really believe they can. One’s own story must be imagined to become reality. We do this every day. And you? Long live cinema and ... signature wines!

 Jermann. Wine at its best interpretation

 Pinot Grigio Jermann, Io sono Tempesta, Marco Giallini, Daniele Lucchetti


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