The Guida essenziale ai vini d’Italia 2017 wine guide confirms Jermann wines their top ranking choice

14 November 2016

The Guida essenziale ai vini d’Italia 2017 wine guide confirms Jermann wines their top ranking choice

The Guida essenziale ai vini d’Italia 2017 wine guide confirms Jermann wines their top ranking choice

During the presentation of the fourth edition of the Guida Essenziale ai Vini d’Italia 2017, held in Milan on the 8th October we participated in the prize-giving ceremony for the most prized wine producers.

The guide, at its third edition, is curated by Daniele Cernilli, alias Doctor Wine, and works around three different evaluations: the winery, scoring from zero to three stars, single wines with a score expressed in hundreds, and best quality-price ratio symbolized by a thumbs up.

We are truly proud for having received the highest award for the top winery section for the third time in a row, achieving three stars, the symbol of Jermann quality reliability and international prestige.

Three wines achieved a score of above 90 point, Vintage Tunina 2014 ranking the highest with 95/100,

followed by Capo Martino 2014, with 93 points and Ribolla Gialla 2015, with 90 points.



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